Monday, May 16, 2011

Visiting Ft. Ticonderoga

Teaching history through reinactment is a cultural phenomenon that is growing by the day. Students of history find that by participating in the process of a reinactment, their relationship with history grows.

I have seen it time and time again in my own presentations, and that of others I have been so lucky to see. Here in Colorado we have to work a lot harder to set up encampments for Colonial, Revolutionary or Civil War reinactments. We do it anyway. But realize that we do not have the fortune of a huge historical site such as Ft. Ticonderoga to reinact battles, but that never stops us.

That being said, I want to encourage you to visit Ft. Ticonderoga the next time you are in New York State. It is located within the shadow of the Adirondack Mountains and overlooks Vermont's picturesque Green Mountains. Ft. Ticonderoga guards the historical portage between Lake Champlain and Lake George.
 They have a wonderful schedule of programing that is so well received. A true tip of the Tricorn to these dedicated historians and reinactors. 

Visit The Ft. Ticonderoga Site Here

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