It feels good to be back on Colonial Bytes. I took a break to attend the 120th Continental Congress in Washington D.C.
Welcome to my album of my trip to the 120th Continental Congress of the National Society Daughters of The American Revolution. This collection of photographs has been carefully taken and prepared for you. In this album are many of the fantastic sights you come across while attending a Continental Congress. It is not an exhaustive collection and only features items of interest to me. Please enjoy and feel free to ask questions on any picture you wish to know more about.
I am the sole photographer, and hold all ownership rights to these pictures. I place them in the public domain in a hope that women who feel they might have at least one family member who lent aid or fought in the American Revolution will see this wonderful group of ladies and want to join our society.
If you feel you are a candidate please contact the N.S.D.A.R. at the national level or your state level. There are ladies who can help you with your application. We would love for you to join us.
Delegates and members come from literally all over the world to attend this event. I can tell you after attending my first this year. That is was well worth the trip. In fact I would wish the fun and sites I enjoyed for anyone.
I met so many love ladies. I learn new things I didn't know and most importantly I found patriots in the library that the N.S.D.A.R. maintains. One of the premiere genealogy libraries in the United States. I found more than I could have hope for on the members of my family I was seeking information.
In DAR Spirit,
Christine McClintock Hudspeth
Columbine Chapter, Denver, Colorado
Walter Hines Chapter, Overseas Associate - London
Christine McClintock Hudspeth
Columbine Chapter, Denver, Colorado
Walter Hines Chapter, Overseas Associate - London

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